Tuesday 7 January 2014

taking minimum wages seriously, and pensions too

There is a normative inconsistency between minimum wage and pension policies everywhere. Public pay as you go pension systems are paternalistic nonsense. They should be scrapped.

The role of the state is not to provide everything. It is to provide a minimum of conditions for people to live, learn, and make their own choices.

This brings us to the minimum wage. Society agrees on a minimum wage. This should ensure a minimum subsistence level for a working adult. Above that, the state does not regulate wages (although it regulates the labor market it stops short of fixing wages or wage scales).

Logically, the pension system should follow the same reasoning. Everyone should get the same from the state. And, here is the cherry, indexed to the minimum wage. Say, 80% of the minimum wage. At retirement. After that, it is up to the individual to save for his retirement, without any participation from the state.

Lets be clear. Politicians get it. The president gets it. Company bosses get it. Toilet cleaners get it. The unemployed get it. All 100% transparent. Payd for from general taxation. Pay as you go. Noone gets one cent more.

The beauties of it: 1) it is universal and completely igualitarian, so the left cannot object. 2) it is absolutely transparent and simple, and keeps government to a minimum, so the right cannot object. 3) it is linked to the population tendencies in a way a child can understand. 4) it is indexed to the minimum wage so that when politicians want to touch pensions they must touch the minimum wage, and when they touch the minimum wage they must touch pensions. Brings everyone down to their senses. 5) it ensures the fundamental role of the state. to guarantee a minimum to all citizens, without favor. 6) because it is simple and transparent, it is much less vulnerable (or completely immune) to political manipulation.

What are you likely to hear in response to such a proposal? That it is not acceptable for the president to get the minimum wage! Of course, this means he/she has not saved another penny during his/her life but why bother with details?

Public pension systems have been used for political purposes creating huge intergenerational injustices and creating financially unsustainable monsters.

It is time we stopped them.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Limites constitucionais ao endividamento.

Impor limites ao endividamento na constituicao (ou no tratado de maastricht) é uma má implementacao de uma boa ideia. A boa ideia é ter uma autoridade supragovernamental a decidir sobre o montante total da despesa e da dívida. A má ideia é escrever montantes na constituicao.

O que é necessário é uma entidade supragovernamental do tipo do supremo tribunal de justica, com elementos (sete, um número primo de eleicao) eleitos ou indicados, sujeitos a um verdadeiro teste de competência, e escolhidos por um termo longo (mínimo sete a máximo onze anos (numeros primos) por exemplo). Na realidade, estes elementos seriam preferencialmente recrutados no estrageiro, por exemplo nas melhores universidades do mundo sem ter de ser cidadaos portugueses. A sua nomeacao seria intercalada no tempo de forma a nao haver fluctuacoes abruptas na sua composicao.

A funcao de uma tal entidade seria indicar o quanto pode ser gasto e qual o montante máximo de dívida que poderia ser emitido, retendo uma flexibilidade que um limite constitucional nao pode ter, a par da independencia necessária para tomar as decisoes difíceis.

A decomposicao da despesa, e a sua forma de financiamento abaixo do limite seriam entao as variáveis de política. E no fundo estas são na realidade as verdadeiras escolhas políticas a fazer. Endividar as geracoes futuras em benefício de vitórias eleitorais presentes nao é uma escolha de política. É mentir e enganar.

Na dinamarca discute-se um sistema deste tipo.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Capital Gains of Corruption (Os ganhos de capital da corrupção)

Na lei portuguesa há muitas deficiencias graves. Mas talvez a mais grave é aquela que não se vê porque não existe. A lei que defina que todos os ganhos de capital decorrentes de alterações na legislação revertam necessáriamente para o estado.

Os exemplos abundam. O mais recente é o - na minha opinião escandaloso - "caso pais do amaral" referente à obra de crivelli. Comprada por um mísero milhao à familia que o tinha hà muito, a preço que reflectia a impossibilidade legal de sair do país, e vendida ao estrangeiro, após conveniente alteração legislativa, por cerca de quatro vezes o preço de compra. Este ganho de capital é decorrente da alteraçãp legislativa e não poderia nunca reverter para o privado, neste caso Pais do Amaral. Tudo legal. Vergonhoso.

Mas casos destes estão por todo o lado, e referem-se ao uso dos solos. Quantos casos de "Varzim já pode construir no seu campo de treinos" - título de uma notícia de jornal há uns anos -  até compras de quintas a preço de solo agricola que repentinamente passam a ser definidas como solo urbanizável (quem sabe, logo após a compra por algum construtor ligado ao futebol e ao poder local).

Se estas mais valias revertessem para o estado, como deveriam pois são fruto de uma alienação de propriedade pública que é a autorização legislativa, o caos urbanistico, e mais do que provávelmente a crise em que nos encomtramos (muito criada pela especialização na (não-transaccionável) construção civil ) nunca teria existido.

Como se implementa esta lei? Afinal, o que impede alguém de comprar um terreno e esperar pacientemente uma década por uma alteração legislativa, mesmo sem intervir de qualquer forma para que ela aconteça? Nada impede. Mas para eliminar este incentivo puramente especulativo basta um mecanismo de preferência para o estado. Uma vez que haja uma alteração legislativa, o proprietário tem de aceitar vender ao estado o objecto pelo preço de compra actualizado a uma taxa de referência. Ou alternativamente, pode vender ele próprio mas a diferença entre o preço de venda e o preço administrativo reverte para o estado.

E porque não existe esta lei (ou se existe deve estar escrita da mesma forma - na minha opinião propositadamente - ambígua que a lei da limitação de mandatos)? Porque não interessa. Como tantos afirmam, os partidos e o poder local são centros de corrupção e negócios. Com uma tal lei os negócios acabavam e tinham mesmo de tratar do bem comum.

Querem a troika fora? Que tal começar por aqui?

João Ejarque.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Bad Debts

In the current crisis there is one small detail that risks being overlooked. It is the unavoidable law of nature that all debts will be paid, always. The only issue being discussed is who will pay these debts.

In the case of an individual, or a company, there are only two possibilities: either the borrower pays his debt (as agreed at the time of borrowing) or he does not, in which case the lender ends up paying all or part of the debt. The issue then, in any renegociation, is agreeing terms for a shift of the burden back to the lender. Usually this happens because it is in the interest of both parties to do so (demanding full payment may lead to forced assets sales from the borrower, which may affect his future earning ability - if he sells his car he cannot travel to work., etc etc).

In the case of a country (of sovereign debt) there are three possibilities.

The borrower pays (as agreed). Why is this a problem? If the debt was accumulated for consumption or unproductive investment (such as specialization in non-tradables, that is: construction) the debt burden can become too high. This happens when interest on the debt exceeds the growth rate of income per capita. This situation is more likely when an economy enters a recession of course. Having to pay a high debt burden then further increases the recession and may even lead to a bigger debt burden. The issue here is whether paying off aggressively, and going through a deep recession but reducing the debt burden will allow the economy to get out of this economic trap. Ireland seems to have chosen this route successfully. The problem then is the the current recession in Portugal is not deep enough to get rid of the debt.

This first scenario of course raises strong emotions if the lender is a rich country (tipically the case), so that it has a flavour of rich scandinavians being insensitive towards the troubles of poor southerners.

The lender pays. The lender (remember) has already paid it when he loaned the money in the first place. Default just means that money is gone and that part of the debt has been paid. In this scenario, the rich scandinavians lose part of their pensions. But since they are rich we tend to worry less about whether that is right or wrong. But there is a catch. If banks in Germany are exposed to a default on Portuguese sovereign debt, then a large default may undermine the German banking system which could lead to a much bigger crisis on the European scale. That is why Europe resisted so long to accept a Greek default: to give time for private agents to write off part of their bad assets in an organized fashion, without risking financial collapse. So, making the lender pay, at least pay a lot of the debt, may not be such a great idea after all.

There is a third way. To inflate the economy. Printing money is a time-honoured way of getting rid of debts governments cannot pay by raising taxes. In this case EVERYONE pays. By inflating the economy the value of money (the amount of goods money can buy) is eroded for everyone, which makes it the most democratic (because it is absolutely proportional to money holdings) way of solving the problem.

Here the catch is that Portugal does not have the finger of the printer. The Germans do. And they do not like this idea. We cannot blame them since we would not like it either if the situation was reversed.

There is an even bigger catch. It is called Moral Hazard. In both cases where either the lender pays, or the printer is used there is huge Moral Hazard. We cannot forget this is a repeated game. It is not a surprise then that most Germans may be willing to pay a price to see the Greeks and the Portuguese suffer. They are likely to see it as the necessary punishment to make sure this never happens again. The sad thing is that they are most likely wrong: this WILL happen again.

One final remark in the sovereign debt saga affecting Europe is that there is a strong mistrust and antipathy towards the Troika. People are angry about a perceived loss of sovereignty. But this is a run of the mill consequance. When firms or individuals go bankrupt, creditors take over the business and run their lives. Why should countries be treated any different?

Consider the problem of Portugal for example.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Drogas e Confusoes (Misperceptions about Drugs)

We have learned nothing from prohibition in America. It "created" Al Capone who had to be brought down on tax evasion, of course leaving a huge trail of destruction in his wake.

Instead, we forgot all about it, and exponentiated the problems in the form of the drugs market: cocaine, heroin, you name it.

Some officials complain that the price is too high, so that assassins are getting too much profit. Some argue the price is too low, so that it is easy to buy drugs and demand is high.

It is so very commendable to understand the basics of economics (demand is downward sloping, low price, high demand, etc).

But beyhond that, it is only ignorance, shameful political exploitation of the ignorance of the masses, and, worst of all, self interest in keeping this market that is killing millions.

There is only one solution to the problem. Let me repeat this: only one solution.

It is not liberalization. It is not deregulation, allowing legitimate private sector, tax paying, companies to provide heroin on the streets. After all, what we really want is to get rid of heroin on the streets in the first place, not to create another controlled market for cosy allocation of rights among friends of the current political force in power.

It is instead a good old piece of hard core socialism (yes, socialism, it sounds ugly but sometimes it actually makes sense): PUBLIC PROVISION FOR FREE.

1) It must be free. Not something to be sold at marginal cost (where would addicts find the money if not by stealing and prostitution, which is what happens now?).

2) It must be free. This is the only way to kill the competition completely. Nobody will produce something at a cost that can be bought for zero on the market. Thus: no crime, no profits, no theft, no prostituion. The provision cost is peanuts compared to what society currently loses in crime prevention, crime fighting, legal costs, and lost hours of work. But perhaps noone is interested in doing this calculation...?

3) It must be provided by the government: no public-private-partnerships to make money off the drugs market.

4) It must be provided by the government. It must be such that it is both free and UNCOOL. How cool is it to go get your FREE ecstasy pill from a retired lady in a white coat in the local government kiosk? In case you have forgotten, it was the disclosure of secret Ku Klux Klan practices that showed how silly and uncool they were, which started to make the KKK look like an uncool organization led by stupid old white males.

5) Before you start moaning that free drugs will make it easier for (your) children to get access to drugs think about this: a) it is your job as a parent to keep an eye on them. b) there are entire countries (colombia, mexico, afghanistan,...) which are enslaved by the drugs trade. Compared to that, the fact you cannot take care of your kids is peanuts in terms of the grand scheme of things. Sorry.

Now you know the answer. So, when others will put up fake arguments about why this is not admissible this is what I think: they are either idiots, or criminals (they have an interest in the existence teenage prostitute addicts), or most likely both. They may go by the name of politicians.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

As portagens nas SCUT

Acabar com as SCUT é uma questao simples. Mas aqui, mais uma vez a forma como foi feito foi desastrosa, sem necessidade absolutamente nenhuma. Bastava estabelecer uma portagem inicial simbólica (50 centimos?) no primeiro ano. Uma vez estabelecido o principio de pagamento, o montante seria ajustado lentamente à medida das necessidades. Passar de zero para um preço significativo é uma receita para desastre.

Fazer as coisas desta forma reflecte confusão (ou ignorância) acerca do problema. Há duas componentes. Primeiro, e mais importante, é estabelecer o princípio de pagamento. Ou seja impôr a portagem. O segundo é determinar o montante da portagem. Mas estas duas questões são independentes e devem ser resolvidas separadamente!

O bunching legislativo ou é desonesto (como a iniciativa francesa de legalizar o casamento gay a par da adopção por casais gay - duas questões independentes e com atitudes muito diferentes do eleitorado) ou incompetente (como no caso aqui discutido das SCUT). Em ambos os casos dá mau resultado.

Sunday 27 January 2013

Contratos com Contrapartidas

É muito comum o Estado fazer grandes compras ou contratos de investimento (militares e nao só) com contrapartidas em espécie. Um exemplo hipotético seria a compra de submarinos a um fornecedor específico contra um determinado montante em dinheiro, mais um compromisso de contratar determinados servicos de apoio a empresas portuguesas.

Contratos com Contrapartidas

Estes tipos de contrato têm a meu ver um único objectivo. O de reduzir ou eliminar a transparência do processo de adjudicação, fazendo com que propostas distintas nao sejam comparáveis (como seriam se tratassem apenas de um montante em dinheiro) e permitindo assim adjudicar ao fornecedor desejado, que não tem de ser o melhor.

Isto é apenas uma opiniao, e baseia-se na ideia simples de que estes contratos com bunching podem ser reproduzidos por contratos simples a dinheiro, com a diferenca a ser utilizada para os fins assessórios desejados.

Será sempre difícil obrigar os Estados a simplificarem os contratos e eliminarem estas cláusulas de contrapartidas. Há demasiados interesses em jogo. Mas é possível contornar esta dificuldade com uma medida muito simples. Obrigar todos os licitadores a entregar duas propostas que eles considerem equivalentes. Uma primeira que inclua as contrapartidas que queiram e que façam parte das especificações requisitadas, e uma segunda apenas com um montante em dinheiro, que o licitador considere equivalente. Com o Estado a poder escolher qual dos modos de pagamento prefere, se a primeira se a segunda.

Acabavam-se logo as confusões e as renegociações.